About Us

Puppies onboars Salty Paws
Rescue Puppies at Moonfish Grenada We enjoyed a lovely visit to Moonfish Grenada in June & July! Near the end of our visit a neighbour’s lovely dog sadly passed away a few days after giving birth to 8 gorgeous puppies.  We jumped in to help, working with the Grenada SPCA. […]

Rescue Puppies!

santa hat Moonfish Bathway Grenada
We enjoy a very special holiday season each year, each one seems better than the last! The Spice Isle is in it’s element, as we bake and prepare treats for the holiday season, sharing with neighbours and friends.  Nutmeg, mace, cloves and cinnamon are usually freshly grated or ground as […]

Christmas in Grenada

Joe as a Lion
I have been struggling recently keeping up with things like Facebook, and members of our newsletter may have noticed that I’ve missed getting out a few editions recently. I’m very sorry to report that our lovely old rescue dog Big Joe has been very ill and passed away. Two nights […]

Big Joe